Better Health with Deep Oscillation Therapy

Deep Oscillation® Therapy
Deep Oscillation® Therapy was originated in Germany in 1988. Oscillations within the soft tissues are the result of intermittent electrostatic fields and friction.
Mechanism of machine:
- Opposing polarities between the patient and hand/applicator creates electrostatic attraction. As the hand/applicator is moved, resonant vibrations are created up to 8 centimetres deep into the tissues of the patient.
- The force of the electrostatic field is delivered intermittently providing deep oscillations to the tissues through the lifting and dropping of the tissue being treated. The lifting and dropping of the tissue increases mobility and flexibility of the tissue being treated. This effect is based on a physics theory known as the Johnson-Rahback Effect- if a barrier layer is put between two electrodes; a high magnetic force is caused in the space between.
Frequencies available
- The oscillation machine produces an electrostatic field at a low, medium or high frequency in the range of 5 Hz to 250 Hz.
- This alternating current is able to pick up treated tissue and then drop it at a variable speed, depending on the selected frequency
Physiological effects of deep oscillation machine:
- It provides cyclic movement in the deep tissues leading to mechanical pumping and the redistribution of fluids. Hence, its application in treating lymphedema and edema.
- In contrast to other therapies, these pleasant oscillations have a gentle and deep-acting effect on all tissue components (skin, connective tissue, sub- cutaneous fat, muscles, blood and lymph vessels).
- The resulting effect includes improvement in microcirculation, better tissue nourishment, enhancement of cellular metabolism, promotion of faster healing even on open wounds, anti-oedema, lymph drainage, anti-fibrosis and detoxifying properties, alleviation of pain and swelling, stimulation of collagen production and tissue regeneration.
Signification of machine:
- This is easy to carry everywhere
- Patient could use themselves as per the therapist advice in home also
- Easily interchangeable treatment heads and hygienic too.
Procedure of application:
The patient holds a metal grounding bar and the physiotherapist has an electrode placed on their body. Both the grounding bar and electrode are connected to the DTO machine.
- The physiotherapist’s vinyl gloved hands, which hold the charge, are then placed on the affected tissue, completing a closed circuit with the patient.
- Instead of therapist hand patient could use the treatment probe available with equipment for their self-care or home based therapy. There are 2 different size probe will be available along with the machine.
- While the clinician is in contact with the affected limb, the patient feels a soft vibration emanating from treatment area. To that effect, the vibrations promote relaxation and are even utilized in some spasm.
Research supports Deep oscillation therapy as an effective treatment for the following pathologies/injuries:
- Primary and Secondary Lymphedema
- Osteoarthritis
- Muscle tightness
- Cellulite
- Burns
- Open Wounds
- Amputations
- Respiratory Inflammation
- Occupational injury and everyday conditions associated with pain, inflammation,
- Swelling and scar tissue;
- Sports injuries
- General and surgery aftercare; laser re-surfacing rehabilitation
After the body has been injured, the respective tissue goes through three identifiable phases of healing:
- Inflammation - The most notable signs of inflammation are redness, heat, swelling, pain, and loss of function and are termed the cardinal signs of inflammation
- Proliferation - The proliferation phase will begin shortly after inflammation, with parts overlapping. It will focus on repairing the tissue by creating new blood vessels to expedite the travel of nutrients and WBC’s and laying down a fibrous protein called collagen
- Maturation - The wounds that reach the maturation phase have shown to not only heal days faster but also have minimal scarring
Deep oscillation encourages the body to heal by decreasing swelling, and edema, while in turn allowing increased range of motion, all of which may contribute to an expedited healing rate for the patient.
In lymph edema:
- They now have a swollen lower leg. The swelling decreases the range of motion for the patient.
- In turn, a daily activity like walking through the store to get groceries becomes difficult
- Deep oscillation acts as the muscle pump system with the “rhythmical tissue deformation” that is lacking in bedridden geriatrics due to loss of mobility, this effect will be helpful to reduction of edema.
Protocol commonly used for lymphedema:
- Fifteen minutes of initial high frequency, (80-200 Hz) aimed “at softening the [hardened] tissue and stimulating the transportation of liquids”.
- The final fifteen minutes’ medium frequency (25-80 Hz) will act as “a strong pumping effect which [will] allow effective interstitial drainage”.
Pain management:
- Deep oscillations ® alleviates pain by reallocating and flushing out pain transmitting and mediating substances.
- Furthermore, alleviation of pain is enhanced as a result of anti-inflammatory effects and oedema reduction.
Contra indications for deep oscillation:
- Acute infections
- Infectious skin diseases
- Active tuberculosis
- Untreated thromboses and vascular disorders
- Untreated malignant diseases
- Untreated heart complaints and diseases
- Cardiac pacemakers or other implanted stimulators
- Pregnancy
- Sensitiveness to electric fields
Are there any side effect/possible reactions to treatment with Deep Oscillation?
Patients suffering from chronic disorders may at first react to therapy with the following symptoms:
- Acute pain sensations in the area undergoing treatment, mostly three to four hours after the conclusion of treatment. These complaints usually persist for several hours before they ease all of a sudden, often after urination.
- Increased desire to urinate, it is possible that colour and smell of the urine are entirely different.
- Hypersensitivity of the skin in the area of treatment; may persist up to several days.
- Tiredness ranging from lassitude to exhaustion
- Rise in temperature (local, rarely).
- Reduction in blood pressure
- GasbarroV, Bartoletti R, Tsolaki E, et al. Role of HIVAMAT (Deep Oscillation) in the Treatment for the lymphedema of the limbs.European Journal of Lymphology.2006; 16:13-15.
- Hinman MR, Lundy R, Perry E, Robbins K, Viertel L. Comparative Effect of Ultrasound and Deep Oscillation on the Extensibility of Hamstring Muscles. Journal of athletic Medicine. 2013.
- Safety and Effectiveness of Vibration Massage by Deep Oscillations: A Prospective Observational Study-2013 Oct 3. doi: 10.1155/2013/679248