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A stroke causes brain tissue to die, which can lead to brain damage, disability, and death. A stroke, sometimes called a brain attack, happens in one of two ways:
Stroke prevalence
Are you at risk for stroke?
Several factors that are beyond your control can increase your risk for stroke.
The F.A.S.T rule.
F – Check their FACE. Is their face/mouth drooping?
A – Can they lift both ARMS?
S – Is their SPEECH slurred? Can they understand you?
T – TIME is critical. Call a doctor now
Other common signs of stroke are
“Stroke is a medical emergency, and stroke treatment and outcomes depend on how fast you get to the hospital and the type of stroke the person had.”
Try to reach the hospital within 3 hours.
Because it is very important for the person to get recovery past as well as reduce the impairments of the individualslike mobility (ability to walk around independently),muscle weakness or paralysis(ability to move the hand and legs),and also prevention of later complications.
“Patient must reach hospital within 3-6 hours to minimize the chance of permanent impairment”
Prevention is better than cure<insert small images for each point>