Maintaining a healthy lifestyle as we age

Posted by Herculife 25/09/2019 0 Comment(s)


As we age, we face many physical and emotional changes that can affect our level of function and well-being. Our baby-boomer population is aging, and people are living longer. We must maintain functional independence in the elderly and address the needs of our older generation. Malaysia's population is ageing at a faster rate than expected. The average life expectancy for women and men in Malaysia is 76 and 73 years, respectively.

As we age, our health decreases. Some common problems that we may experience include:

  • Geriatric/ Frailty syndrome;
  • Dementia / Delirium;
  • Incontinence;
  • Instability / falls;
  • Immobility; and
  • Osteoporosis.


Principles of geriatric rehabilitation

Disability is generally regarded as being due to a pathological process, or injury, not because old age.

The effects of biological ageing reduce the efficiency of the body’s systems, but throughout life, optimum function is maintained in each individual by continuing to use these systems to their maximum capacity. Physiotherapists have a key role in enabling older people to use a number of the body’s systems fully to enhance mobility and independence as they age. A comprehensive geriatric assessment is often helpful before the initiation of a physical therapy program to assist with setting realistic goals with each patient.


Functional independence

The goals of functional independence are:

  • To improve or maintain ROM (Range of Motion) of different joints.
  • To improve or maintain strength and endurance of muscles.
  • To improve or maintain cardiovascular endurance.
  • To improve or maintain ambulatory status of a patient.
  • To relieve pain.
  • Fall prevention.


Therapeutic Intervention

Therapeutic Intervention can include:

  • Range-of-motion exercises.
  • Stretching the joints and muscles.
  • Mobilization exercises.
  • Strengthening exercise with resistance bands and dumbbells.
  • Aerobic exercises.
  • Gait training.
  • Use of orthotics.
  • Electrotherapeutic modalities.


While ageing can be a difficult process, with the correct steps, functional independence can be maintained. 


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