Rehab at Home with the Luna EMG Machine

Posted by Herculife 26/07/2019 0 Comment(s)

Luna EMG uses reactive electromyography to train the sensorimotor cortex. The patient’s movement is active-based on bioelectrical signals (EMG) acquired from the patient’s muscles. Luna EMG neurorehabilitation robot exerciser, aimed at facilitation neuroplasticity to enhance nerve regeneration and muscle strengthening.

Luna EMG was specifically developed as an all-in-one solution to tackle the key problems regarding objective diagnosis, effective therapy for clinically weak patients and physiotherapy automation.



Neuroplasticity comprises the adaptive (including maladaptive) changes within spared neuronal circuitries and thus reflects the reorganization of the nervous system after it has been injured, but plasticity occurs during the entire life span of an individual. Both the central and peripheral nervous systems are able to undergo neuroplasticity after an injury; however damaged axons within the CNS cannot regenerate to a significant extent compare to peripheral nervous system.



While the machine saves data, it would still be helpful for therapists to interpret progress during the course of treatment.


The Luna EMG is best used after:

  • Stroke
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Post-surgical recovery
  • Spinal muscular atrophy
  • Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
  • Brachial palsy
  • Urinary incontinence.


Physiotherapy extensions

Allowing the physiotherapy of large joints through isolated and functional movements, which can act as kinematically equivalent connections in isolated exercises for specific joints to facilitate focused and asymmetrical neuroplasticity, as well as end point based and also dedicated to functional occupational therapy of the hand, including wrist deviation, wrist flexion, finger flexion and functional movements.


Features & Specifications

  1. For patients with reduced strength: (Dynamic Resistance)
  • Luna can dynamically change the resistance during training, allowing for isokinetic, isotonic and isometric exercises.
  • In addition, with automatic weight compensation, Luna can detect as little as 0.2Nm.
  1. Extensions
  • You can choose between isolated and dynamic extensions for single joint training, or use extensions for specific functional training of multiple joints.
  1. Reactive Electromyography
  • Luna has a 6-channel bioelectric amplifier, and can use electromyography as a reactive signal for exercises.
  • Patients with muscle atrophy (DMD, SMA, Stroke etc.) can exercise even when no force is present ("1" in Lovette's scale).
  1. Ultra-Fast and Easy to Use
  • You can switch between extensions in fewer than 10 seconds, and with patient manager, you can set up a whole training in just 3 clicks. It's super easy and intuitive.
  1. Objective Diagnostics
  • With position, force and bioelectric feedback, Luna can be used to automatically test your patients. From diagnostic electromyography, spasticity tests (Ashworth, Tardieu), passive and active range of motion tests, force tests and MORE.
  1. Device Dashboard
  • With Luna's clound integration with Device Dashboard, you can monitor the performance of your patients and physiotherapists.
  • You will also get suggestions from your evangelists on how to improve your training sessions.


Treatment protocols available in Luna EMG

  1. EMG Controlled Exercises for Clinically Weak Patients
  • With Luna, you can now start an active-assistive training for every innerved patient, even when the contraction is only visible on the EMG and not palpable.
  • Trigger and hold single channel concentric and eccentric exercises.
  • Trigger and release single channel concentric and eccentric exercises.
  1. Force Controlled and Dynamically Changing Resistance for Early and Late Stage Recovery
  • Force sensitive training can have up to 60 Nm of resistance.
  • The following exercises can be used: Isokinetic with fixed maximal velocity, dynamic antagonist reversal, proprioception Isotonic with fixed one directional torque, Isometric with fixed limb position, and elastic simulation acting as a spring or band.
  1. Passive Movement for Paralysis and Stretching
  • Don’t hesitate to use Luna’s passive movement capabilities for stretching and for patients with spasticity or rigidity.
  • Continuous passive movement with constant torque Progressive passive movement with incremental range of motion EMG BIOFEEDBACK can train pelvic floor muscles, even without extensions.


Incontinence Training with Pelvic Floor EMG

Luna EMG to help patients suffering from incontinence using special pelvic floor electrodes. It will expand your services to patients with incomplete spinal cord injuries as well as postpartum women and the elderly.



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