Dr Wolff LegCheck 627 Training and Diagnostics
Isometric maximum strength test at the point of force effect
The innovative leg press Leg-check 627 facilitates the exact measurement of leg strength in a both-legged, side-independent mode. Two separately arranged foot plates are equipped with high-load measurement technology.
Forces are captured precisely and directly at the point of force effect. The integrated display unit with a state-of-the-art touch screen presents the collected data. The computer saves the data on a chip and facilitates a convenient transfer to the evaluation software.
Dynamic Measurement:
In this additional function the Leg-check 627 tests the maximum strength value per leg during a movement with sub-maximum training intensity. This test sequence enables the test coordinator to understand whether both legs are used with equal strength by the test person.

- Display unit with touchscreen and data storage
- Data transfer to chipcard
- Two strength sensors
- Power supply operation
- Comfortable data transfer via chip
- Test documentation and -evaluation
- Depiction of the strength curve