Dr Wolff BackCheck Compact 608 Back Training and Diagnostics
Dr Wolff BackCheck is a multifunctional, mobile measuring system is available for the scientific analysis of the strength capacity of different muscle groups.
BackCheck Compact 608 is a space-saving variant of the BackCheck 617 - particularly useful for mobile application, e.g. in workplace health promotion.
The back test checks the performance of the posture-stabilizing muscles.
The chip and computer-aided measurement technology describes the current muscular status shows strengths and weaknesses of the muscles gives tips for correct back training
Back Strength Analysis
This technology has been awarded the Bodylife Award multiple times and is internationally established in the fitness and therapeutic markets.
Measurements take place uniquely, in an upright position and under conditions that are close to everyday life.
- Extensors (Fig. 1)
- Flexors (Fig. 2)
- Lateral-flexors (Fig. 3)

- Push- and pull of the upper extremities (Fig. 4)

- Extensors (Fig. 5)
- Flexors (not shown)
- Lateral flexors (not shown)

- Leg abductor, adductor
- Arm abductor
- Hip extensor
- Direct data transfer to PC
- High performance strength sensors
- Power supply operation
- Support through virtual teach-in before and during the test
- Standardized test sequence
- Live-visualization of the measurement curve
- Evaluation of strength relations and absolute strength
- Identification of muscular deficits and disbalances
- New, tangible scores: BackCheck-Score® and Core-Score©
- Updated reference values based on 15+ years usage experience
- EasyExplain©: simple, descriptive graphics
- Personalized reports for all intended purposes
- Integration into mobee 360 platform, ideal combination with e.g. mobee fit