Extracorporeal shockwave therapy

Posted by Herculife 17/09/2019 0 Comment(s)


Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that involves creating a series of low energy acoustic wave pulsations that are directly applied to an injury through a person’s skin via a gel medium. 

Shockwave therapy is most suited for people who have chronic tendinopathies (i.e. lasting longer than six weeks) which haven't responded to other treatment; these include tennis elbow, achilles, rotator cuff, plantar fasciitis, jumpers knee, calcific tendinitis of the shoulder. These could be as a result of sport, overuse, or repetitive strain.

Most patients with chronic pain problems have been through various unsuccessful types of treatments. Up to 80% of the same patients worldwide report that Shockwave therapy has helped them eliminate their problem.


Effects  of ESWT

  • Destruction of old tissues
  • Improve healing and blood circulation
  • Pain reduction
  • Trigger point release
  • Reversal of chronic inflammation
  • Non-union and delayed union of long bone fracture


Mechanism of action

The shock wave can be produced through four ways: spark discharge, piezoelectric, electromagnetic and electro-hydraulic. The wave that is generated will vary in its energy content and also will have different penetration characteristic in human tissue .


Mode Of Action

The experimental results show that ESWT significantly stimulated the in growth of revascularization associated with increased expressions of antigenic growth indicators in tendon, bone and tendon-bone interface.

Neovascularization may play a role in the improvement of blood supply and healing of tendon.

There is a close relationship between the decrease of substance P release and the clinically known treatment pain, with consecutive pain reduction in the shockwave treatment of tendon insertion diseases. 


Contraindications of ESWT

Shockwave therapy should not be used in cases of circulation or nerve disorder, infection, bone tumor, pregnancy or a metabolic bone condition.

Shockwave therapy should also not be used if there are any open wounds or tumors. People using blood-thinning medications or who have severe circulatory disorders may also not be eligible for treatment.

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