Physiomed Physiotherm-S

Physiomed Physiotherm-S
  • Brand: Physiomed
  • Product Code: PSM-00045
  • Availability: In Stock

Perfected shortwave therapy

Product description

The PHYSIOTHERM-S high-end shortwave therapy unit enables continuous and pulsed energy output for thermal and athermal applications. You can choose between the capacitor field method for uniform heating of all the tissue layers as well as the coil field method (optional) for selective treatment of tissue with good conductive structures, such as connective tissue and muscles. In addition to the graphic display of the effective power output, the ingenious automatic matching feature (dynamic matching) ensures the steady development of heat and prevents overdosage by reducing the power if there is a problem. The extremely well-shielded, high-frequency connection cables provide trouble-free operation.

The easily adjustable supporting arms ensure quick and exact electrode placement. The smooth running castors with latches ensure good mobility and secure positioning of the PHYSIOTHERM-S.



  • LCD Comfort Display for good visibility
  • Intuitive PHYSIOMED one-button operation
  • Fastest therapy start: direct, through program memory or indications index
  • Extensive treatment index by medical fields featuring therapeutic information, dosage proposals and application graphics
  • Patient database
  • Operating frequency: 27.12 MHz; pulse frequency 10-300 Hz; pulse duration: 200-600 µs
  • Pulsed and continuous energy output for thermal and athermal applications
  • Capacitor field method for uniform heating of all the tissue layers
  • Coil field method (optional) for selective treatment of tissue with good conductive structures, such as connective tissue and muscles
  • HF power: 400 W (continuous mode)/1000 W (pulsed mode), infinitely variable
  • Matching function for steady development of heat and prevention of overdosage
  • Extremely well-shielded, high-frequency connection cables
  • Easily adjustable supporting arms for exact electrode placement
  • Smooth running castors for good mobility


Therapy information

Shortwave therapy is classified as high frequency therapy. The different frequencies of the high frequency therapy have in common that warm tissue is created under their influence. With shortwave therapy electric and magnetic fields are used. Shortwaves are applied using the condenser field method or the coil field method. With the condenser field method the treated body part is found between two condenser plates (shell electrodes or soft rubber electrodes). Under the influence of high frequency electrical alternating fields, periodical changes occur in the treated tissue. By keeping a minimum distance between electrodes and the skin a uniform heating through of all levels of the treated tissue segments is produced. With the coil field method a coil in the form of a Vortex current electrode or Diploid is to be used. The high frequency current will flow through these, whereby a variable magnetic field will be in place in its environment. This causes a predominantly warming magnetic field in the tissue with good conductive structure, such as binding tissue and musculature. In the impulse mode during the shortwave therapy the sub thermal effect is with trophic enhancement and reflective influences from the vascular system in the foreground. During continuous operation the local thermal effect dominates with improved cell metabolism, reduced viscosity of bodily fluids, higher tensibility of collagen fibres, circulation stimulation and manipulation of the nervous system.

Shortwave therapy will therefore be used predominantly for: 

  • Treatment of chronic inflammations
  • Pain reduction
  • Spasm reduction and deionizing
  • Treating acute and chronic infections

In orthopedics, traumatology, rheumatology as well as in the Ear Nose and Throat, Urology and Gynaecology departments and internal medicine.